Good Morning, Sunshine!!

This is not one of us.

The coaches need to be fed too.

The coaches restaurant.

Couldn't resist some pictures of the mountains.

Just sittin' in the middle of nowhere.

Those are rapids.

The dam that causes the falls.

More rapids. I kept missing the rafters.

Just pretty.

Rafting anyone?

Where does this bridge go?

Pit Stop and look what we found----next picture.

Look closely at his foot attire.

We were going through Murphy, NC and stopped to see the Mason's.

There's the three Amigos.

What do the WWW's do best? You got!!

Boy, you'd better listen to him. He's telling it like it is.

Caroline is a bit more modern than this!!!

The food was really good. (Especially the buffet)

Manny had already headed out for the buffet.

Back to the campground to decide the best route to the campgound.

OK, it's all decided and now it's time to go.

That's fog on the left.

Any rock climbers ready for this?

Think this is an indicator.

After winding around several roads, we arrived here. The campground is Fort Wilderness. The coaches have become mountain goats. No two sites are on the same level.

Thank you for seeing us here, safely. We made it just fine in spite of the closed eyes and second set of brakes being applied.
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