On the way to Louisa, VA we passed this pretty church.

In Louisa, we found a house painted exactly the way I've always wanted. Yellow with white trim. The porches were a bonus.

A glimpse of the court house.

We thought this was the museum so we checked to see what the hours were. Alas, the door was locked.

A patriot in a separate enclosure.

This tree was in front of the court house. Look at how tall it is.

This was inscribed on the Veteran's memorial.

The old jail used to be the museum.

Don't remember what this building is.

The opposite side of the memorial.

I wandered around the side of the court house and found this old old building. It is being restored by the Genealogy Society. It also meets here once a month.

Houses around the back of the court house.

The inscription on the back of the statue.

Been a long time since I've seen a Rexall store. Look, kids, it says Bailey's.

We didn't get out to Patrick Henry's home.

The old school.

The new museum was donated by the Sargeant family.

A private resident.

We found an old railroad station.

Another old building.

On the way to Gordonville.

The Trevilian Station.

We I saw this, I told Connie "We's got us a bonanza!!!" This was out in the middle of no where. Now if you really want to see some pictures--go to Connie's blog
http://esparzacm.blogspot.com I'll bet she took 200 pictures at this site alone.

This is the toilet car that the miners used.

A full mining train.

A buckboard.

I'm thinkin' that they have souvenirs here when it's open.

The ice wagon.

I think this is a music wagon.

I think this is what they considered a day carriage.

Look at all the equipment.

The old tavern. I checked the door but no luck. Not open.

Anyone know what the two bucket thing is?

This might be a hauling wagon.

I'll bet there's more carriages in the barn.

Connie walked back here to take more pictures.

Carriages of all kinds.

Stage coach and a coach for mourners.

Tried the back door, too.

Stuff on the front porch.

Some kind of hauler.

Is this some kind of shredder?

Tried to get Manny up on this horse but no luck.
I've never seen so many different kinds of wagons.

This old bucket is the kind my dad used to put his "clinkers" in and tote out for the trash men. For those that don't know what a clinker is --- it's what's left after burning a bunch of coal in the furnace.

After all this walking and picture taking, we were hungry. Went into Gordonville and found this restaurant.

It looks pretty formal but it wasn't. At least with the four amigos it wasn't formal.

This gal was watching to see where we were going to eat.

On the way back to the campground.

What can I say? Wonderful day, wonderful friends.
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