Thursday, April 22, 2010

LSAC - Red Oak Ranch - Hempstead - Apr 21 & 22

The little red house says "Welcome to Red Oak Ranch".

The first to arrive on Wednesday are the Lambes followed by the Didelots and then the Esparzas. See who gets top billing...yours truly.

Mark checks out the sites and finally decides on the one that we had in January.

Hello, Old Friend.

Here comes trouble.
Time to start our favorite pasttime during rallies. We ate here in January and it was pretty good.

This pretty Chevy was sitting outside the restaurant. Two minutes after taking this picture, it was gone.

Had to follow Manuel in order to get back to the campground. We ALMOST went the wrong way but our excellent navigator (Manuel) saved us in the nick of time.

Next afternoon and here we are again. Our infamous Bevers Kitchen. L to R Sue Didelot, George, Mark Didelot, Connie and Manuel Esparza, Ray Shonk, Richard and Patsy King and Betty Shonk.Waitin' for the vittles. Richard and Patsy King with Manuel Esparza.
Time to pay the piper.

We arrive at Blue Bell Creamery and are greeted by a familiar sight.

Connie and Patsy looking at the statues of the founders.

Blue Bell not only has great ice cream but beautiful flowers.

Then there's the first ice cream delivery truck. Bet they had to eat a lot of product before it melted!!!

Caught Connie, taking a picture of something.

Some old milk cans and historic stuff.

Sittin' and a waitin'

This man just appeared with this old ice cream freezer to donate to the museum. I just happened to be standing there when he came up to the counter. The freezer is from the 60's. (or maybe he said it was 60 years old. guess it doesn't matter either way.)

The tour is about to begin. Get a load of the hats. (especially Manuel's)

An old building on the way back from Brenham to the campground.

Have to stop here for fresh sausage.

Sittin', rockin' and just a talkin'. Sherran Marler and Richard King.

Bruce Marler

Bob Trout and George.
Who's walking who, Roger?

Number one job about to start.

The herd approaches.

The water tower and trough outside the door.

Decisions, decisions.

The evening session starts. (cards that is)
Betty says "Good Night".

We say good night and thank you.

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