Sunday, April 11, 2010

DeMontrond - Burleson - Sun Apr 11

Sunday morning is always our farewell food festival. I-Hop LOVES to see all of us show up.

LaVerne and Shirley (on the far right).

Goodbye for now.
Getting ready to roll.

Marvin Blahuta and Gilbert.

See ya later.

The last look at the front pool. (through dirty windshield)

See you next year.

Now THIS is a horse's butt!!!

Our first look at lunchtime.

Never been here before. Gotta see what all the noise is about.

Old Indian Joe welcomes us.

Pretty displays.

Want the newest and best? The one George has is horsehide.

Old Duke Wayne has his own display. Got a real neat ornament.

This was for my friend, Connie.
Need your boots shined?

Oops, occupied!!!
Sure looks pretty sitting out here.

Anyone know what kind of coach this is? I'm glad it's still on the road.

This is the town of Venus.

Never been here before.

Some of the pretty flowers along the way.

Think I've seen this guy before.
Welcome back to Houston and the traffic.
We stopped for fuel and, lo and behold, there's a Zephyr.

All unhitched.

Back to his resting place.

Another successful trip. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Janet. We always stop at the Bucees. Neat place. Love your blog! Great job!
