Saturday, April 10, 2010

DeMontrond - Burleson - Sat Apr 10

Saturday morning is always our "official" meeting time. Looks like a last minute confab.

The meeting is called to order.

Dean, Mark and Brenda Scherback.

Oh, Pete, did you HAVE to have so many? Hmmm, wonder if he can stand up.

Getting ready for number one activity.

After playing Bingo, I had to get a picture of the winners. SOME of them won more than once, but it was not Pat Franklin.
L to R - Gail Gay, Ben Lewis, Ken Johnson, Gaynell Blahuta, Robbie Hartfiel, Jesse Soto, Linda Ellisor, Mary Boggs and Pat Franklin. Congratulations, guys.
They took pictures of everyone with birthdays in the month of April but George and I were too busy getting our picture taken for April anniversaries so I didn't get that picture. George F got that.

Thank you for another great day.

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