Saturday, April 24, 2010

LSAC - Red Oak Ranch - Hempstead -Apr 23 & 24

Saturday morning dawns and it is the men who have kitchen duty. Here, George cooks the bacon with Lee Helstrom and Richard Brinley looking on.

Richard King watches Bob Trout make pancakes. Tough job, eh?

Manuel Esparza watches Bob make pancakes.

One of our new members, Charlie Stanger, stands by ready to help at the drop of a hat. Reg Coleman, Mark Didelot and Bruce Marler are doing the same.

Betty Shonk and Connie Esparza waiting for breakfast to be served.

Barbara Bisson is taking her life in her hands by invading the men's space.

Cecelia Coleman is in line for food.

Patsy King and Betty Shonk are ready for that good smelling food.

Getting ready for our monthly meeting.

Planning our Memorial Day rally.

After breakfast, many of the members head for Brenham for the festival. Not to be left behind, Betty Shonk, Sharon Foster and myself follow suit. Here Sharon is looking at an old, well kept, building.

Many many people attended this festival. There were hundreds of these umbrella stands all the way around the city building. So many different vendors it was hard to remember them all.

We stopped at an antique store and wandered around. This rocking horse caught my eye.

How long has it been since you've seen a doll like this?

A game room in the middle of the festival.

Betty getting her toe measured for a ring.

She's been "twinkletoed".

Different kinds of trucks and trailers.

Quaint little shop.

We stopped at Almost Heaven for an ice cream cone and these people were already here having tea.
Sharon and Betty join them at the table.

Good Night and thank you for a wonderful day.

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