We knew this day was coming but it arrived before I was ready. Here, Manuel is braving the cold to get his coach ready to roll.

After coming over to say our goodbyes, Manuel is ready to roll.

Connie was hiding behind the tree. She took one more picture.

This is truly "The Esparzas on the Road". Safe travels, my friends.

No friends beside us.

We never did see this from the other side. It's the welcome to Winstar.

These people looked like they were freezing.

Strange thing to see in the middle of town.

I'm practicing taking pictures on the fly. (like Connie does, above the screen on the side window) This one turned out pretty good.

At first I thought this was a stadium but it turned out to be a college.

Spaghetti bowl, USA.

Another side shot---looks like the truck is buried in the field.

Hey, I'm getting pretty good at this!!

Oops, a little late on the trigger.

There's no mistaking Dallas.

Guess you know where we're heading.

More Dallas.

Had to stop
somewhere for lunch. Betcha thought we stayed here for the night, eh?

There were probably twice the number of flags. They sure looked great.

THIS is where we stayed. Nice park but not many people here.

Thank you for everything you allowed us to do. Only God and George know how much I have enjoyed the time with Manuel and Connie. Tomorrow we will be home.
Next time I see you, you will be an expert at picture taking. Great pics, Janet. We also had a wonderful time with you two. Take care and we will be in touch. I finally had time to catch up with my blog friends....