Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kansas to Oklahoma - Oct 4, 2010

This was my blind opening adventure in Wal Mart in Des Moines. Didn't take many pictures on the way to Emporia. (like none)

As we leave Emporia, KS the land looks a little barren.

A beautiful river through a dirty window.

While driving through this area, I felt like I was in a different world. It's called the Tall Prairie Grass area.

No trees, just grass.

This electric pole is the only "tree" I could find.

Those are just shadows, not trees.
Alright, there's trees!!!

We drove over this train.

The first house we saw in 40 miles.

Then it starts getting greener.

The Esparzas on the Road. (in the Arbuckle Mountain range)

Happy Camper.


You know, we travel the same road as Connie but she sees more of it than I do. She must keep the camera in her hand at all times. I don't, I do foolish things like sleep, read or find something interesting on the map. At any rate, thank you for what I DO see. See her blog: http://esparzacm.blogspot.com for more.

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