Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Niagara Falls, ON - Sep 8, 2010

We decided to check out Fort Erie, Ont. This was a park on the water. One thing I noticed, all the parks we've been in lately are beautifully landscaped.

Buffalo, NY from across the river.

What an interesting tree.

This was nestled in the woods.

Look at the size of this chain.

Fort Erie's entry gate. At one time this was a draw bridge.

Walls to the fort.

Inside the fort.

Walls of the fort are 3 feet thick.
Three young men demonstrate the difference in uniforms and the muscat firing. The "indian" tells part of the story of the War of 1812. The man on the left is in a British uniform while the one in the middle represents the "ordinary" people. They were often mistaken for members of the Union Army that they were fighting.

Can you imagine all the smoke involved if they had more than two soldiers firing?
Inside the guard room we discover how uncomfortable it was to be on guard. Connie and Manny are sitting on the bed the soldiers used when fully clothed.

Officers had a little more of the creature comforts.

The catch for comforts was the fact the officers had to buy everything. Only the richer men could be officers. The everyday person couldn't afford the luxuries.
Potty chairs were quite different then.

The officers had a luxury kitchen while the soldiers cooked over an open fire.

The commisary wares.

Can you imagine the kids of today being satisfied with these toys?

Checking out the artillery.

This tree was all one-sided.

We stop to smell the flowers.

Part of the stones from the fort were used to build this church.

Driving by the church above I caught a glimpse of the stained glass windows.

The usual cemeteries beside old churches.

We thought this was an interesting contrast to the last church.

Time to eat. Not knowing where a good place was, we took a chance on The Barrel. It was a good choice. Not only good food but nicely decorated.

Billiards are played in the next room.

Great day---great friends.

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