Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mystic Lake, MN - Sep 29, 2010

After spending the night at the repair shop, Connie called to see what we were going to do while the RV was being fixed. We decided on the capitol of Minnesota - St Paul. It was about 30 miles from the campground. Looks like it's getting a makeover. There were way too many steps for us to go inside.

Gonna be pretty when done.
There were guys all the way up at the top. It made me dizzy just looking at them.

As we drove around the building, I got this shot.

Then off to St Paul Cathedral.

A picture hanging in the hall shows the cathedral in earlier days. (from an angle I could never achieve)

When you walk in the door of the Welcome Center, this replica waits for people to investigate. It is built entirely of legos.

I couldn't get directly under the dome because there was a tour there.

The Piety is to the right as you enter the front doors.
The view to the right from the front door.

The view to the left from the same spot.

We then did our town tour. We found the Historic District. Connie was shooting one side and me the other. Can't wait to see her pictures.

The governor's mansion.

We had a really good day. We found a Mexican Restaurant that wasn't too bad. We were leery but all was well. The day ended with friends of Manuel and Connie, Dave and Sandy. They met them a couple of years ago at Quartzsite. Sandy made a great dinner and afterwards we played "The Game". Thank you for old friends and new ones.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics, Janet. My historic home district ones were not too ood because of too much sun on my side,only posted a couple.

    Minnesota was awesome to visit!
