Saturday, September 25, 2010

Marquette, MI - Sep 25, 2010

Open the blinds and what do you see? He was eating a marshmallow.

Our first glimpse of Mackinac Bridge.

Lake Michigan on the left, Lake Huron on the right.

I'm thinkin' this is the ferry to Mackinac Island.

They even have roadwork on the bridge.

Back on dry land.

Driving along the coast of Lake Michigan.

Looking back at the bridge. What a beautiful sight.

We stopped several times at scenic turnouts. Needless to say, it took us a BIT longer to make the trip that day.

Another turnout.

Our last look at Lake Michigan.

Along the road, inland.

The first glimpse of Lake Superior. Another stop in Munising, MI.

Never tiring of seeing the water, these are only a small number of pictures I took.

We went through Christmas, MI.

My favorite subject.

Connie is as goofy about the water as me.
OK, Sami, this is for you. The man that made this works in the Welcome Center in Munising.
More of them.

This is across the street from the lake.

Uh huh, more.

Guess hard times have hit here.

You find horse and carriages in all kinds of places. Certainly didn't expect it here.

Thought these condos were neat.

Thought this was a bit strange looking.

Then there are the buildings and homes. Another favorite. These homes are HUGE. Think they're frat houses.

This is where we finally landed this day. Quite a unique place. The reservation clerk was a trip by himself. He looked like an old weird miner.

The "park ranger" doesn't look very active.

This is the internet room.

Thank you for keeping us safe and letting us find this place.

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