Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lancaster, PA - Sep 4, 2010

This guy was almost across from Manuel and Connie. See that trailer? It was FULL of stuff. This is only about half of what they eventually brought out.

Our travels of the day started here.

Our tour guide took us through each room and explained about some of the Amish customs. All the appliances are run by propane. All the pastries they sell are made in a room like this.
Since there is no electricity in the house, almost everything is propane or battery. Notice there are no curtains. That would be too fancy.

I loved this lamp. It is also propane powered. As we went through the house, I noticed there were not too many lamps. They must go to bed at dark.
See, there's the propane.

The outer clothes are hung in the kitchen where they can grab them on the way out.

The different types of clothes that they wear signify what their status is in the community. The white apron is for unmarried girls, black apron for married women, no apron for younger girls etc.

The toys they play with are all handmade. The furniture in the house is also handmade.

I was surprised to see color in the bedrooms.
This is called the summer kitchen. It is in the basement. Notice the washer is powered by propane. The round keg is a butter churner. The kettles are so large that there's a rail above to hook them and raise them.

They keep their milk (and Connnie) in the Spring House. There's a stream of water to keep it cold.

Whatcha lookin at George?

I thought it was an animal but this don't look like no animal to me.

Baa Baa White Sheep, have you any wool? I'm thinking it's time to get sheared.

This little piggy went to market.

This water wheel sends water to other parts of the farm.

We got to see this buggy up close and personal.

Their kids go to one room schoolhouses.

Look who gets to stay warm in the winter!

The room looks pretty much like any first or second grade schoolroom.

Some of this equipment is still used on Amish farms.

Inside the blacksmith shop.

Connie in action.

When I walked out the door, there they were waiting for me.

Love these covered bridges!!
Now, you just KNOW Connie is in seventh heaven.
You don't think we went without eating, do you? These flowers are proof. They were outside the Cracker Barrel.
The buggy was going to make a left turn. Hadn't seen that before. Those horses have to be congratulated for not reacting to the traffic.

Look at the way the addresses are displayed.

We went to James Buchanan's home. He was the 15th President and the only single president we have had. This is the back of the home. As usual, the home wasn't open for touring.

They plant their gardens a little differently than most people. They're done in tiers or sections.

This is a lot of house for one man.

Beautiful grounds.

Great day and home to relax. Thank you for so many things.

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