Today we decided to take a train ride. Off to Strasburg to accomplish it.

There's a pretty railroad station complex.

Connie and Manuel ask which car is ours.

Which way do we go?

We chose the open air car so that pictures could be taken.

Good Bye, Mister Red Cap.

We pass all the shops on our way out of "town".

A trainman standing by an old train.

We pass our future eating place.

Wonderful farms on the trip.

We pass a corn maze and across the tracks is the theme written in the corn field. It say Girl Scouts of America. Really neat.

There's a smaller maze, made out of hay, for the younger people.

Another farm.

Just as we were passing, school let out for lunch and the kids came running full tilt to get home for lunch. To see more of this, see Connie's blog. She's so good at capturing the moment. 
Such a peaceful setting.

I wonder what happened to this tree?

Our engine changes to the other end.

Looking into a coach that isn't open air.

As we passed, this little guy was pushing the teeter up in the air.

This little girl was sitting in the next car being so good. (and bored)

They had trains for all size people. This little guy was working up a storm to make this car go.

He took the easy way to ride.

Here comes a different size train.

Don't know what was wrong with this engine but as soon as they stopped the "engineer" got a hammer out and was pounding the living daylight out of it.

The train behind Connie must be getting ready to go. All that steam is for something.

Connie is in seventh heaven in there.

After the ride, we cross the road to the museum.

This is the first train you see. It is not apparent that the museum is a huge as it is.

Trying to buy a ticket, Manny?

The Western Union office.

How a rail station might have looked in the past.

My camera took two pictures at the same time of the above. This one turned out completely different. Thought it looked pretty neat.

See ya, guys.

Connie looks like a midget next to this guy.

This was my favorite engine so I took both sides and its passenger car.
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