Friday, August 13, 2010

Savannah, TN Aug 13,2010

Saw this sitting in someone's front yard. We started out early this morning after dropping off the motorhome in the shop.

Breakfast was here in Belmont. Really good food.

We "dropped in at the paint shop for Tiffin at Belmont.

A "gray ghost" pulled up just about the time we were passing by. Thank you for letting us have a picture of the before product.

Aren't you glad you saw this?
Driving down beside Tiffin, we found this old water tower.

Driving down another road there was another gray ghost pulling into (or out of) a building. Everywhere you look, is Tiffin.

Another Tiffin building.

After driving to Savannah ( a whole 52 miles) we went to the site of the battle of Shiloh. This drum was found laying on the ground. There was a picture of a little boy of ten that joined the army as a drummer. He stayed in the service and became a Major General.

This is a beautiful place. I was saddened to find out the of the 27,000 men that died at Shiloh, only the union soldiers were buried here. The confederates were buried in a few mass graves elsewhere on the property.

There were many, many statues in the park. This is a tribute to Michigan soldiers. Of course that was of interest to me.
A tribute to the battle.

Two days and this battle was over. Imagine, 27,00 men in two days.

The whole battle evolved around Shiloh church, seen here.

This is the new Shiloh Methodist Church.

Of course we went for dinner. You gotta remember who we are with now.

After dinner we drove to Pickwick Dam. Connie and I walked all the way down to the water. We forgot that we had to go back up. This is a picture of the lock at eye level.
There was a coach going over the dam but it was so far away, you can't even see it.
Anybody know what kind of plant this is?

Whew, we made it back to the top.

Saw some heart rending things today. Thank you to all who have made our lives what they are today.

1 comment:

  1. We are having a great time with you and George. Have a good night's rest....who knows what tomorrow will bring.
