Monday, August 30, 2010

Gettysburg, PA - Aug 30, 2010

We start out to see where to get tickets for the tour. We found this charming roundabout with interesting buildings.

We will see this tomorrow.

Abe Lincoln everywhere.

This is the house that Lincoln stayed in the night before giving the Gettysburg Address.

An old fashioned malt shop.

There are so many old buildings in this town.

Souvenir shops everywhere.

We found our way to the Welcome Center but had to park waaayy out there.

Look at the boots. Charming!!!
Part of the center is called Cyclorama. It is a WONDERFUL part of Gettysburg. There are pictures 360 degrees and they are gorgeous. These pictures do them no justice. Different parts of the scenes light up as they tell the story of the battle of Gettysburg. The pictures are HUGE. The platforms probably hold 200 people.

The pictures appear differently as the lighting changes.

Part of the ticket included a very large museum.

This man was sound asleep.

This man was in an Union uniform and standing here in front of the flag, crying.

One of the cannons.

I asked the man if he wanted me to take a picture of him with the flag. He seemed so grateful. I wonder why there is so much emotion in him.

Pictures of the fallen absolutely cover this wall.

Like I said, Lincoln everywhere.

Abe sits outside the center.

We like Abe.

They like Abe.

He likes to imitate Abe. Almost perfect, Manny.

After driving the battleground most of the day it was time for dinner. Be sure to see Connie's blog for all the pictures from the tour. They are awesome!!

After dinner, we stepped out the door and look what was there.

These are the shops next door to the restaurant.

Who's tired?

We are and it's home to relax. Thank you for a wonderful day.

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