When we returned to Cherokee, we took pictures of many Indian signs and stuff to show you how the write everything in English and then Indian below. (Only this was the other way around)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Gatlinburg & Pidgeon Forge, TN - Aug 18, 2010
Open the blinds and what do you see? We are more fortunate than Manuel and Connie. They are way down the hill.
The way to Gatlinburg is absolutely gorgeous. There is a stream that runs just about the whole way through the mountains. I didn't take as many pictures as Connie (and Manuel) but no one can keep up with them. In fact, she took some of MY pictures.

Look guys, it's Herbie.
That's a looonnnggg way up.
Such intensity. He was really a trooper though, it was really tough for him to breathe.
This store was filled with these and tattoos. Makes sense to me!!
Caught sight of these guys carrying the huge red somethings.
You KNOW I went in this store after seeing this beautiful glass ship.
You just don't know what you're going to see. Two minutes before this, there was a cat in a screened-in stroller. Doesn't he look proud? (ha ha, I got it made)
Many many of the places are on the second floor. Look at all the smoke.
Wish I'd been at a higher level so you could see how pretty this area was.
Vic, I'm not as good as you with flowers. Still pretty.

They not only have upstairs stuff but you can go downstairs to shop, also.

See the brown building in the center? That's where people go to pray AFTER visiting the store above.
Let me tell you, I have learned a valuable lesson from today. Always park at the bottom of the hill so you can go up the hill first and then when you're tired, you can go down. Now this restaurant wants you to know everyone else's food is stale.
On to Pidgeon Forge.
Not a whole lot to see in Pidgeon Forge. Guess it's because it's a holler. (no, that's Butcher's isn't it?)
Back to the mountain drive.

When we returned to Cherokee, we took pictures of many Indian signs and stuff to show you how the write everything in English and then Indian below. (Only this was the other way around)
When we returned to Cherokee, we took pictures of many Indian signs and stuff to show you how the write everything in English and then Indian below. (Only this was the other way around)
It sure was gorgeous but like you said, it was very tiring. We got to see a lot of fun stuff! It was just great! It is so much fun being with you and George.