Friday, August 6, 2010

Bowling Green, KY - August 6, 2010

What a pretty drive to start the out the day.

Interesting tree. Wonder if it was hit by lightning. Or maybe destroyed by some kind of bug.

We were headed for the Corvette factory to tour the assembly line. Again, I ask,"did you really think we'd find it open?" Tours only Monday through Thursday. It seems that today is Friday.

We couldn't have taken pictures inside anyway. At least we got to see this.

Now we have to find something else to do. A railroad museum seemed to do the trick.

Our guide took us through all the different cars and explained each. This is the post office at one end and luggage at the other.

These pieces of luggage looked like the real mc coy.
This is the dining car and in the building, there is a cabinet with the good china and silver.

The pullman car has a bed where George is sitting and another above.

The richer passengers rode in a private "booth" like this. There is a commode in each room. It has a table that pulls down over it.

When the beds are made up, this is what it looks like.
Look how tiny the sink is---the board flips up so that there is a table for cosmetics.

This is the president's coach. Not the president of the US but the train company. This is his private dining room.

The president's sitting room.
The inside of the caboose.
This is the china and silver. Our guide said that it was very good quality.

George Pullman lived in Bowling Green, KY.

The railpark is huge. The part we saw is where the blacks came in and sat. There is a huge waiting room (where the whites entered) that is now used for receptions.

Naturally, we had to stop for lunch. We were very happy with the food but the burglar bars on the door should have been an indicator.

I was really delighted with the decor.

Guess I was busy with the ketchup. Gotta say that I ordered cucumbers and onions and they were de-li-cious.

When you walk in, this is what you see.
Hanging from the ceiling.

I took my early morning peek, early. These trailers are across the road. I did NOT zoom in.

See how close the sites are?

This guy is two sites down and one up. No zoom!! That barrel is litterly 7 feet from us. Gonna be a real trip getting out of here. There wasn't anybody here when we got here.

Hey guys, I'm losing my mind. Forgot my flag. Thanks anyway for a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Nice train museum....we have visited a few of those along the way on our travels. Great pictures! Those roads do look narrow, though!! Be safe.
