Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day Two - Carthage, MO

We were all set to pull out this morning and look what I saw snuggled in the trees. Seems as though the park owner owns this and the RV sales place in front.

If you look carefully, you can see the word PREVOST on the front.

We stopped for fuel at this Love's and it was really small. These two trucks and us were all headed for the same exit. Wonder who will make it first?

We stopped here for lunch. We didn't eat here, just stopped.

Look what they stuck up on the roof of this restaurant. It's a steer. Guess they always want to be prepared since it's a steak house.

Now, this has been a really long uneventful drive. This was the first sighting of a lake that went for 20 miles on the right side of the road and then switched to the left side. Have no idea how far it went there. The pictures are pretty.

Now this is a really cool McDonald's. It stretches over the entire highway. You can drive right under it. There's a rest stop on both sides.

Onions anyone?

I woke up just in time to snap this picture.

This is home for a couple of days. Tomorrow, we will see something besides road. We had to get some miles under our belts.

This be the barn.

Thank you for another safe day.

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