Thursday, April 8, 2010

DeMontrond - Burleson - Thurs Apr 8

Thursday dawned with Dean Parker banging on our door at 8:00 AM to see if we wanted to go for breakfast. (You guys always thought it was me planning the next meal!!) George wasn't even out of bed yet. Got him up and moving and went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. After eating we toured an RV park on the other side of the freeway. (Yuck) Came back and toured our park. (much better) This little cabin or something (maybe a laundry) is nestled behind the billboard facing the freeway.

Another of the rally rooms.

George caught this one.

Wandering around the park, we saw this stuff.

The resident fire truck.

Yogi says "Welcome".

You might want to give yourself a little more leeway next time, Caroline.

Back to the meeting place.

Such a pretty setting.

It doesn't matter WHAT time of day, it's time to play Pass the Love!! Where are Manuel and Connie?
Getting ready for the number one activity.

What's this all about? George looks like he's ready to swallow me whole.

Our hosts--Don and LaVerne Williams, George and Pat Franklin and Sue and Glenn Bosma. Thank you again. It's a tiring job but it's fun.

Tummies are full now. Carolyn and Mabry Dellinger.

Wilma O'Neal, Walter and Eloise Spears, Shirley and Terry Smotherman in the back. Maria and Gunter Liebel in the foreground.

Pretty ladies---Margaret Pettigrew and Linda Ellisor.
Walter and Eloise Spears with Shirley Smotherman.
Martha and Pete Palasota.

Don't be shy, Caroline.
One more time to play.

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